Endless Summer

by Roshanne Minnis-Eyma
Original - Sold
Not Specified
25.000 x 20.000 inches
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Endless Summer
Roshanne Minnis-Eyma
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This summer we ventured into one of the oldest settlements on the island. Looking through the corner leading to the dock, I was struck by the contrast of a lone dark figure sitting on the dock against the backdrop of icy blue shallow water. I had to stop to capture the image. His relaxed pose was classic, almost abstract in a sense. But it expressed to me a relaxed kind of resignation … resignation to the way things are, the scorching heat of climate change, as though “you can do nothing about it, so why do anything” kind of attitude. The one we all have to adopt when monster storms decide to take their course. All you can do is brace for the worst and hope for the best. He looks exhausted while bearing the full brunt of the sun, just as we have all felt at some point during this seemingly endless summer. Yet he is still looking at us defiantly out of the corner of his eye, and asking 'why'?
December 29th, 2017
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